But here's a start: (keep in mind, this is not nearly the full list, this is just the ones I've played in the last three days or so and that I can remember, hahah)
Featured Alt:
(War Party, Ner'zhul)
Pet: Nawat the Durotar Tiger

(Twilight, Ner'zhul)
Pet: Nem the Boar (a temporary pet for reasons I have yet to explain)

(War Party, Ner'zhul)
Pet: Lazura the Ghost Saber

(War Party, Ner'zhul)
Pet: Esteban the Spider

Pet: Bear, Ravager

PTR: I typically show up as the following:
Gelebs, Rayare, Galateia, or Galileo (eyo)
Non-hunters: (I have a lot of lowbies because I like deleting them and starting over)
Galileo (Ner'zhul, class changes, right now is a femtaur Warrior)
Gelebs (Ursin)
Rayare (Daggerspine)
Trikk (Ner'zhul)

Alliance (all classes)
Pangea (The Elders, Onyxia)

Mayr (The Elders, Onyxia)

Rayare (Onyxia)